Develop a Natural Resources inventory (NRI)
The NRI is a document that inventories the natural resources of an area, both physical (e.g., geology) and biological (e.g., forests), and provides a foundation for municipal land-use and conservation planning. It helps communities update municipal plans, develop ordinances or overlay zones, and review development projects. The Kent Conservation Advisory Committee obtained funding for this from the DEC Hudson River Estuary Program in 2022. The recently-completed NRI includes a unique biodiversity inventory of species of plants and animals that may be found in Kent. Volunteer biologists contributed over 1,000 hours of volunteer time, working with a network of volunteer scientists, to develop this biodiversity inventory.
Develop an Open Space Inventory and Plan
This is a logical “next step” after completing the NRI. The town has been awarded funding by DEC Hudson River Estuary for development of an open space plan in 2024. Read more here!