Reduce Energy Usage and Transition to Clean Energy
Electricity for government operations is purchased from solar farms upstate and delivered via NYSEG. Town residents can do the same through our Community Solar Campaign (embed link to sustainable putnam’s page and save up to 10% on their electricity costs.
The town’s streetlights have been concerted to energy-efficient LEDs. The next step will be conversion of lights in town-owned buildings. Residents can save money by switching to LEDs at home.
The town is starting an energy benchmarking program with NYSERDA to evaluate which town-owned buildings can benefit from weatherization and energy improvements. Residents can also save energy and money by weatherizing their homes
The Town is developing a Pedestrian and Cycling Plan with funding from DEC Climate Smart. We will plan ways to make places in the town more accessible on foot or by bicycle and then seek funding to build the planned projects.