Kent Climate Smart

Save Energy and Reduce Costs!

We're working to get the Town of Kent, NY certified as a Climate Smart Community by participating in a state-supported program that will help us take real action to ensure the future of Kent’s natural resources and save taxpayers money.

Our Mission

The Kent Climate Smart Task Force is a volunteer steering committee to the Town of Kent, whose mission is to:
Photo by Susan Gin
What is Climate Smart?

Climate Smart is a program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation that helps local government take action to save energy, reduce costs, and mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Current Projects

Check out the Climate Smart Certification actions we’re working on right now:

Build a Climate Smart Community
Inventory Emissions and Plan for Climate Action
Reduce Energy Usage and Transition to Clean Energy
Implement Climate Smart Land Use​
Food Waste
Pedestrian & Bicycle
Improvement Plan

Recent Updates

Take Action

Working towards a cleaner Kent means working together. Getting involved right now is the best way to make an impact in our community.
Check out Sustainable Putnam’s website and learn about the seven simple steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint
When we work together, we can make a difference. Participate in the community solar campaign that allows residents to opt in for clean energy delivered from NYSEG at a 10% average savings.

Plus, sign up for Drop-off Community Composting below!
Build a Climate Smart Community
Learn how your local business can reduce energy costs, decrease its carbon footprint, and increase the everyday comfort of your customers.

Support Our Work!

Your involvement in our community makes progress possible.
Join the Task Force today, or donate to keep our efforts moving. Your donations will support the Kent Conservation Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and are fully tax deductible!

Get in touch!

I'd like more info about the Community Solar Program
I’m interested in food scrap composting
I'd like to join the Task Force

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